Computer infographic commercial

Infographic commercial


What do you know about computers and computing?

I know that computers and computing both require a cpu the brains of a computer which defines information.The first electronic computer ENIAC weighed more than 27 tons and took up 1800 square feet.Only about 10% of the world’s currency is physical money, the rest only exists on computers.What do you need to know about computers and your buyer?I need to know what specific brand of computer I am buying, I need to know if the computer has a lot of space. I need to figure out how much it will cost. I also need what windows is the computer is running.The resources I will need is my pairs and my teacher.

Define stagedownload (1)

What is the problem? I need to create a video that hooks the buyer into buying my product.What are the requirements?I half to somewhat trick the buyer into buying the  product. I am working with a budget, ram, what the person wants really in terms of performance. Who is your buyer and what are his/her needs?My buyer is Deshawn Jackson  high school student and he wants a laptop.


Design Stage

Photo on 12-18-18 at 12.13 PM





Photo on 12-18-18 at 12.13 PM

Develop Stage

List the materials and supplies you will need for your designs. The materials and supplies I will need for my  design is my two storyboard scripts the two the things i am comparing. Best Buy Powtoon a brief description of a computer and a pc so i can persuade the buyer into buying a  pc or computer or desktop.  I will need my design  thinking worksheet so it can guide me through  the project . It shows me the things I need and the things I must need to have a good grade. Requirements – Im going to illustrate a story board about a person that is trying to buy a new computer / desktop/ / pc .

Deliver Stage

Based on the information you have provided above,  The second design is most likely to be successful because it talks about modern day teenagers problems.My storyboard meets the constraints, List the things that are good about this design.List the things that are not so good about this design. The good things about me design they both of them look great and they both meet the requirements. They are really descriptive . It has a really interesting story. Really nice illustrations. Which design is most likely to be successful? What factor was the most important in helping you decide?Based on the information you have provided above,  The second design is most likely to be successful because it talks about modern day teenagers problems. The factor that was the most important in helping me decide the design that bests suits my interest my connecting it to modern day problems I have( LAG).