What will my PSA will Convey?

My Psa will convey the message to not take anyone’s opinion too personal because it could have a dramatic effect on u as a person , and have complications with your overall self of steam and how u view your self as a person. These thoughts can lead to suicide and depression .

The script and story board will help me make my performance task easier because ill have the general foundation of my pontoons completed because ill know where and how to place my images and text to show /illustrate my message about hate speech and how it could be prevented . Also what percussions u should take when being on the internet and being in public . My advice is If someone  tries to bring u down based off of your ethnicity , sexuality  ,  or any of the traits that u have u can always ignore them  . You are very special don’t forget it 

PSA Video and WordPress Site


The skills that I needed to complete this assignment was to have a basic understanding of what hate speech is . Hate speech – Hate speech is an abusive / threatening speech towards a certain group of people or ethnicity . “ While overall rates of reported hate speech differ only slightly for males and females, males report higher rates of race- and ethnicity-related hate speech, while females report higher rates of gender-related hate speech” , The advice I can give about this topic is to not to take what anyone said too personal , Because this could lead to suicidal thoughts and u have to remember you are one of one 1/1 and u could never be replaced . Don’t spread your pain to other people just talk to someone . Even though you might feel like your not good enough to be accepted in this corrupted society your perfect just the way you are never forget that. Doesn’t matter about your race , your sexuality , your gender , or your body .

The supplies that I used to complete this assignment was the script that my teacher p[provided for me in google classroom . Also another material I used was PowToon’s . PowToon’s is a free a software that i can make short videos , in this instance i used it to express how i feel about hate speech .


Paragraph 3: (5-6 sentences) Should answer these questions below: What did you learn about digital literacy? Why is it important for everyone to be digitally literate? What do you like about your project? What could you have done better? Where are you presenting your video (zoom classroom, UA Maker assembly, social media)?

 Digital literacy – Digital information is a symbolic representation of data, and literacy refers to the ability to read for knowledge, write coherently, and think critically about the written word. The thing I liked about my project is that I was able to express my self about a topic that if find vey interesting . the overall message that I was able to give is that u are a special and don’t forget that.

PSA beginnings Hate speech

What topic have you chosen? Explain your topic in three (3) sentences.

Hate speech is an abusive / threatening speech towards a certain group of people or ethnicity .This speech is important to me because it still happens to this day and i’ve also witnessed hate speech and i’ve also been verbally offended by it. I would say hate speech is a form of bullying for  example being called the n word really demotivates myself of steam . 

What resources have you found and are using to support/negate the topic. You must have at least 3 resources.

Millennials: Limit Free Speech If It Means Less Hate Speech | Fortune this youtube video  talks about how the whole black lives matter movement was thought to be a racist movement this ny post,  is a one sided opinion  post that talks about the whole black lives matter movement  being a part of hate speech . this source of  information talks about the whole blm movement being a political stand point .

Who is your audience? Give demographics (ethinic group, age, neighborhood, etc.

I am targeting parents and teens and mostly people of color . Opinionated statements from people that are not of color  can cause uproar or argument s. The reason why I say this is because there is a completely different meaning and outcome .  People of color should be more aware especially for the upcoming generation on how to manage with law enforcement or any upcoming events or just to respond to hate speech and racism in general .

How are you going to delivery your PSA

I am conveying my message in a powtoons video


Did you see the images merge together?

When I first started spinning my home made  thaumatrope  I realized both of the images hade came together as one for example my design was based of a hand and a eye and both images came alive .  I would say the key milestones of animation history would probably be when the thumatrope was invented it gave the animator a different way how animation is in other words it gave the animation life  .What is a thaumatrope? How does it work, and how is it an example of the persistence of vision?  . the thaumatrope is an invention used to see the law of motion for animation buy using slits . This is an example of persistence vision because it make 2 images into one with motion

finished product


What did you learn about cutting wood?

I learn that cutting wood  is a very tedious task that requires high concentration and dedication . Making sure that I’m safe at all times

What did you learn about cutting acrylic sheets

I learn that cutting acrylic sheets , put tape over your acrylic so there  is an outline . Make sure tape is touching , move at a moderate speed

What safety precautions did you learn about the bandsaw, jigsaw and driver-drill/ hole saw

The safety precautions did you learn about the bandsaw, jigsaw and driver-drill/ hole saw keep your fingers 7 inches away .  driver drill / hole saw  make sure it full speed before u cut anything

Define stage

What was everything that needed to be done to prepare the wood & acrylic

everything that  I needed to be done to prepare the wood & acrylic   is to make sure everything is traced and make sure everything is touching everything so i  can cut it easier

What tool/tools did you use and what did you use them to do?

tool/tools I used to do my project was the drills – I used the drills to make a hole in my wood and put holes in my acrylic so i can figure out where i can put my lights

Design Stage







Develop stage

List the materials and supplies you will need for the design that you picked. The   materials and supplies you will need for the design that  i picked I will need a 4by 3 pieces of wood 3 acrylic pieces and drills the use of the ban saw so i can get the exact measurements and polisher led lights , the help from my classmates to give me respectful feedback on my project and how to improve and how to use certain tools and objects.

Write/ explain any problems you have and any changes you make to your designs and why.

Problems I had on my project was that some of my pieces wasn’t the exact measurement  io want and using some tools for my project was a challenge for example using the drill to make a hole for my acrylic and it melting on me .

Deliver stage

Compare your design to the constraints that you listed in define stage.

The design i  provided in the design stage i would say it met the requirements because I followed my teachers and i was able to get my finished product which was my lamp


the making of my shirt

Discover stage screen-printing-edit

What did you learn about screen printing and the cut paper stencil method?

I learned that a is vigorous project that takes a lot of concentration for your project to come out very good . For example when I attempted cutting out my stencil , I did  run into some problems for example cutting in a horizontal motion which resulted me into cutting to deep into my stencil , I resolved this problem by covering it up with more stencil and tape

What are 2 other screen printing methods?

The one method we used was screen printing where it is consisted of a squeegee where it brushes the paint and spreads the paint on the image I am trying to screen print . This printing using paint and its called water-based.  On the other hand the other method I could of used was  plastisol. Which uses ink instead of paint .What tools do you need to use for screen printing? The tools i used for screen for printing is adobe illustrator and the x acto knife  , paint frames and the heat guns.

Define stage .

What were the initial steps in creating and preparing the image that you chose to print? Make sure u have a clean canvas to put your design on / shirt/ jacket. Also making sure that it is an iconic image and its easy to cut out the negative spaces Was it digital? Was it by hand? Was it both? It was both digital and hands on , I say this because i made my design online  and i had to manually cut out the pieces


DESIGN STAGE Write your responses in these blocks.
Show at least 4 images of your process.

(take pics/post on


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This is my design i came up with in adobe design


After i printed out mym design i later inked my design onto my shirt .

I cut out the negative spaces in my design and I was able to come up with this on the right

My finished design , Here is a photo of me drying it





What were the safety hazards & precautions in using the tools? Be specific. The safety hazards & precautions in using the tools. One example would be getting burned the hair dryer , Also the craft knife
Write any problems you have and any changes you made to your designs and why. Problems I had  with my designs is that i cut i little bit to deep within my character and they way how i fixed It by  using an extra piece of paper

Does your designs meet the requirements?Compare your design to the requirements you listed in define stage .My deign meets the requirements because it was iconic phot with the pattern on my background . It make a valid design on my shirt



The Earth is dying

what is the problem ? The problem is that the  Earth is dying and we will eventually go extinct  if we don’t solve this crisis , If we don’t we’ll be forced to move to another planet sustainable for  human life. Global warming and climate is a serious issue  that  caused the ozone layer  to deplete The effect of global warming is the depletion animals enclosures , ice melting , also it traps gas in the atmosphere from leaving .

If were going to look for another planet .The features the planet should have for starters the planet should be able to support life , liquid water and have a balanced orbit . If the planet does not have a balanced orbit the planet will have a defect in abnormal weather patterns and a lengthy time span for the years .

With the star data I’ve gathered with my classmates, and we came to the conclusion that  there is a vast majority of planets that is in our habitable zone .

Star Name Color Temperature




Expected Life Span


Could this star host an Earth-like planet, that is potentially habitable?


yellow 5,911 1.26 10 billion
  • Yes
Kepler-432 Yellow 4995 9.206 10 billion
  • Yes
Kepler-18 yellow 5,345 2.69 10 billion
  • Yes
Eta Carinae blue 40,000 5,000,000 5mil
  • No
Kepler 186 orange 3,755 .055 10 trillion
  • maybe
Procyon-B White 7,740 .00049 10 trillion
  • yes
Kepler-79 yellow 6,174 .930 10 billion
  • Yes
Trappist 1 red 2511 0.0005 10billion  

  • Maybe
HD 20782 yellow 5578.0 7.38 10 billion
  • maybe
HD 17156 yellow 6,100 1.12 10 billion
  • Yes

With many habitable planets there are only two different zones . The terrestrial zone and the Jovian zone  .  Planets that have 10 times the mass of the earth are classified as Jovian planets and a terrestrial planet is a planet that has alot of metals .Based on the graph below there are some planets that I think we  should move to , I say this because some have a lot of metals and other resources we can benefit from .

Planet Jovian or Terrestrial? In the Habitable Zone?
Kepler-22 b Terrestrial no
Kepler-36 b Jovian yes
Kepler-18 b Jovian yes
Kepler-186 f terrestrial No
Kepler-432 b jovian yes
HD-17156 b                   jovian yes
HD-20782 b                   jovian yes
Trappist-1 b             Terrestrial No

Based on the graph below shows the eccentricity of the planet . The eccentricty is the curve of an orbit or an elipse . The eccentricity  determines wether the planet will have a circle like orbit similar to the suns or will be more stretched out in an oval / ellipse shape . If the planet has a more oval like orbit the planet will have a longer seasonal time period , longer years , longer winters , longer summers .

Celestial Object Eccentricity of Orbit Does the planet stay within the habitable zone?
Earth 0.0329 yes
Kepler 22 b 0.0291 yes
Kepler 36 0.04 no
Kepler 432 b 0.6785 no
Kepler 18 b 0.0000 no
Kepler 186 f 0.0769 yes
Trappist-1e 0.1185 yes
HD 20782 b 0.6532 no
HD 17156  b 0.5086 no

Based on the information I got provided I would say the planet we should move to is  Kepler 22b . I say this because Kepler 22b stays with in the habitable zone . The habitable zone is an orbit around a star with in a planet like surface than can support water and sufficient atmosphere . Another reason why we should move to Kepler 22 b is that Kepler 22 b is the closest earth like planet , its distance is 587 light-years away from earth . Kepler- 22b orbits the star Kepler 22 . With current technology it would takes us 15849335.0457 years to arrive at the planets star . Kepler 22b has an elliptical orbit meaning that we have longer seasons and longer years . These are the reasons why we should move to Kepler 22b

Nassaw County BMI


The benchmark activities, including the Performance Task, improved my  understanding and mastery of topics related for each standard.  The following standards included Disease Prevention, away for me to enhance my health and overall habits to prevent upcoming diseases . Influence how my family takes part in their overall health behaviors for example peers, culture, media, technology and Risk Avoidance ways for me to practice healthy behaivors to add to my lifestlyle to avoid health risks for example obesity etc.




What did you learn about safety procedures for craft knives?

  • What are x-acto knives used for? -A x-acto knife is used to cute object with percise cuts in other words it is used that can be used for precision cutting and detailed carving.
    1. How do you hold an x-acto knife? Hold it up straight at a 45% degree angle , Where your pointer finger is on the very brim of the handle of the blade .U want it on a straight edge not curved.
    2. What other supplies do I need to have available when using an x-acto knife?

    self healing pad, metal ruler that has wood on the back.

    1. What safety measures will you use to keep from cutting yourself? Tuck in my fingers



What is the topic/ subject of your pop-up card?

  • The topic/ subject of your pop-up card would be about how to eat healthy with a little bit of graffiti ..

How/why did you come up with the topic/ subject?

  • The way how I came up with the topic . I had messed up alot and i decided to draw fruits so I improvised and I did something that Im good at .

What other tools/ materials will you use in making your card?

  • Other tools/ materials will I used in making my card was my phone and my inspiration.

Design Stage 1


  • This Image shows the first process of my design stage for creating for my pop up card . In the beginner stage I draw a sketch for what  I am drawing in this instance I am drawing fruits.

Design Stage 2

  •  After I finished making my sketches I started  to color them and outline them to give them a move vibrant color and make them pop.IMG-1979

Design Stage 3

In this stage I start cut out my utensils I am going to use for my pop up card which is the drawing I made and colored .  I used a x -acto knife to cut out my sketches I held it up straight a 45% degree angle , Where my pointer fingers  is on the very brim of the handle of the blade . So i don’t get cut .IMG-1976

Design Stage 4

In this stage where all my all my materials is at my disposal all my sketches are done and I have an idea what my pop up card Is going to look like I start assembling my card .  IOs tart by folding my paper in half and I make three slit marks in my paper so I can make my images pop . IMG-1980


Develop Stage –

What specific rules for cutting do you have to follow when developing your pop-up card? Be specific

The rules that I have to follow in making my pop-up card is that I had to cut very carefully which ensures that my design will have a good shape. I also needed to put my finger in a safe place so I don’t harm myself.

Write any obstacles your having and any changes you made to your designs and why.

The obstacles I faced making my pop up card was actually finding a design I went through lots of paper and I decided to do something easy and simple so i did fruits.

Deliver Stage –

What are the main design elements that exist in your card?  color .

Is your layout symmetrically/ asymmetrically or radial balanced?


What is the focal point of your card? How did you make it the focal point?

The focal point of my card was the fruits


Best Penzu Blog Post

Screen Shot 2019-06-11 at 12.20.51 PM

I would say this is my best penzu assignment because this was the one that i got the highest grade was 7/10 . I was on my way to school and I saw this beautiful bush. The way how i took the photo I crouched , I was 5 feet away and I took the photo horizontally in the best way I can . As soon as the sun came up I raced outside to take the photo. I took the photo outside of my building coming from school. The reason I took this photo is because I need a photo for my foundation class